Archive for the tag: Knee

He Had Knee Pain For Weeks!

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Top 7 Reasons For Pain Behind The Knee

Pain in the back of the knee can come on for sooo many different reasons. Doctor’s first thoughts will usually be on checking you for a blood clot in your leg. And it is a good idea to figure out if you’ve got a blood clot because, although rare, they can be deadly.

After that, a physician’s knowledge is usually limited on what else it could be. That’s why we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of the most common reasons for pain behind the knee.

Here are playlists with more specific help for many of the knee problems we talked about:
👉“Knee Arthritis Pain Help”
👉”Baker’s Cyst Knee Pain Help”
👉“Knee Brace Help”
👉 “Sciatica Pain Exercises & Stretches”
👉 “Knee Pain ACL Injury Help”
👉”Knee Meniscus Help”

🦵⚡️ If you’re looking for a more comprehensive exercise program for knee problems, then you’ve got to learn more about our 28 Day Knee Health & Wellness Boost Program. It’s a 100% online and on-demand program for improving knee health. It’s packed with exercises, advice and coaching from Dr. David.
You can learn more about it here:

00:00 Top 7 Reasons For Pain Behind The Knee
00:50 Reason 1 – Knee Arthritis
02:00 Reason 2 – Baker’s Cyst
03:10 Reason 3 – Muscle Strain
04:28 Reason 4 – Sciatica
05:29 Reason 5 – Ligament problem
06:42 Reason 6 – Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
08:15 Reason 7 – Meniscus
09:38 Root problems

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👟 Because we’ve had so many comments about what shoes Dr. David is wearing, here’s a link to the shoes on Amazon:
Dr. David’s Shoes With Insoles – Olukai Brand

💆‍♀️The massage table Dr. David uses can be found at this link:

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Any information available at this channel is intended for general guidance only and must never be considered a substitute for advice provided by a physician, medical provider or physical therapist. El Paso Manual Physical Therapy will not be liable for any injuries that happened due to performing any exercises or advice on this channel.
Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care professional with questions about your medical condition or to diagnose any conditions.

Back of knee pain/stiffness? Popliteus muscle tightness

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Back of knee pain/stiffness? Could be Popliteus muscle tightness. In this video, we’re going to talk about knee pain and specifically, pain located behind the knee, especially after activity that required a lot of rotational change of direction. Think about tennis, basketball, basically anything besides straight line jogging that required the knee and the lower extremity to have a lot of rotational components to it. The knee joint is not just a simple hinge joint. There’s a small but important amount of external rotation and internal rotation. The external rotation occurs when we go into full extension, which is the knee locking out. Then, in order for us to bend the knee, we have to have a little bit of an internal rotation of this tibia in order to have full flection. So, this is the tibia. I’m exaggerating the motion, but you can see external rotation when we go into full extension, internal rotation when we come into full flection.

The muscle’s called the popliteus, and it’s located behind the knee and it’s responsible for helping to stabilize the knee, especially to help unlock the knee during flection. As you can see, the popliteus is a pretty small muscle, but it plays a very important role. It starts on the outside edge of the femur, crosses diagonally behind the knee, and inserts on the inside top edge of the tibia. In addition to helping stabilize the knee, the popliteus is also responsible for internal rotation of the tibia during knee flection.

The muscle starts on the high side of the femur, goes behind in the popliteal fossa, and inserts broadly on the under surface here on the inside lateral part of this tibia.

In order to find the popliteus, you’ll go on the inside edge of the tibia until you start to feel the bone flare out a little bit for the tibial plateau. What you’ll do is you’ll take your thumb and dig back there behind there until you feel that muscle, and if it’s sore, what I want you to do is work that for about 30 seconds to a minute, massaging that muscle out a little bit. If it’s involved, it is usually really pretty sore. So, inside edge until you feel the bone flare out, drop your thumbs back, and feel the muscle. Now, I’m going to show you how to stretch your right popliteus. So, what you’ll need to do is bend the knee a little bit, slightly toe out, and then rotate your legs straight. Hands on your knees and you’re going to slowly bend and straighten out your leg until you feel a stretch right behind the knee.

Now, you might get some stretch all the way up the hamstring, but the focus is behind the knee. Let’s take a look again. Toe out. Then you’re going to … so not straight, but tow it out, rotate the leg in, slightly bend over, and then work that knee into full extension. Pause for a second and then bring it back, and what you’ll feel is you should feel the stretch right behind the knee. Let’s take a look at it from another angle. Slightly toe out, rotate the femur back immediately, slight bend in your leg, bend over if you need to, and then I want that focus to be right behind the knee. So, we’re going to post that just a little bit here. Stick your butt up in the air if you need to. Bring it down until you feel a stretch right behind the knee, and then you can assume that you’re stretching that popliteus.

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How To Get Rid Of Knee Pain – Crazy Fast Knee Pain Cure. Easy Energy Therapy – Try It Now…

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How To Get Rid Of Knee Pain – Crazy Fast Knee Pain Cure. Try 3-Step EFT Now – Energy Flow Therapy…

This Quick 10 Minute Video Shows You How To Get Rid Of
Your Knee Pain, Naturally – Heal The Hidden Emotional Cause
So Why Would Even Your Best Friend
Keep It A Secret?
Welcome, Friend,
Nigel here, from Yorkshire, England…
I’m thinking of you, today…
Because I know how you can find relief from your knee pain — fast — with this unique natural energy therapy…
Look – You’re obviously tired of repeatedly treating your knee pain…
You’ve probably tried a bucket-load of traditional knee pain treatments…
Because you’ve only been taught the old, traditional ways of Western medicine…
Listen – It’s not your fault! You’ve been taught to treat the symptoms — not the cause — right?…
Yet when nothing changes, in desperation, don’t you say – “There must be a better way!”…
So, if you want a breakthrough, you must try something new, something different – yes?
Well – this proven 2-minute technique works in a totally different way…
Heal The Hidden Emotional Cause – and you WILL feel the relief you’re hoping for…
So why on earth would even your best friend keep it a secret?…
Simply because this proven way to stop your suffering might not be for you…
It all depends if you’re open-minded enough to even try it…
And hey – if you’re not — no big deal, no offence. I respect your beliefs — OK? I know it’s not for everyone…
Yet unless you give it a go, you’ll never know, will you?…
See – here’s the deal…
This is a crazy cure for sure – for three very good reasons…
It sounds crazy… It looks crazy… And here’s the kicker – it works like crazy too…
Which is why they’re calling it A Crazy Cure…
And even though it’s being proved, every day, by millions of open-minded people all around the world…
Until now, there really was no quick and easy way…
To even try it by yourself — never mind share this crazy secret with your friends! So…
Because it challenges conventional beliefs…
Even your best friend might not tell you about it…
Well that’s OK. You’ve found me anyway — and this is what I do best, so help is on the way…
I’ll let you quickly prove it for yourself, for free — in return for some feedback, to tell me how fast it helps you…
See — This is a simple, painless, non-invasive natural process you can pick up in minutes…
So you can get results quickly and easily — and prove it for yourself…
No need to quit your current treatment – this a complementary cure…
You can often get permanent relief when nothing else works…
And it’s not just for this one problem — so you can try it on everything…
Which is why famous Doctors like Deepak Chopra, Dr. Oz and Dr. Joe Mercola recommend it…
Deepak Chopra, MD says it -“Offers great healing benefits.”
Dr. Oz calls it — “The next big frontier in medicine!”
And Dr. Joe Mercola confirms it as – “A major component of our treatment program.”
So hand’s up who’s ready for something NEW? …
3-Step EFT — Emotional Freedom Techniques, or ‘Tapping’…
A unique new combination of modern psychology and the ancient healing art of acupressure…
(That’s like acupuncture — without the needles!)
Tapping points on your face and body with your fingers, to stimulate blocked energy channels, or meridians…
Whilst repeating some simple statements…
Because by balancing your energy, whilst ‘tuning in’ to your problem, you can miraculously remove your HIDDEN emotional blocks…
And rapidly restore your energy flow, returning you to health and happiness – naturally.
See – sounds crazy, doesn’t it? But wait! It flat out works…
The combined effect is like re-booting your body!
Imagine the relief you’ll feel when you discover this crazy cure IS for real!
Imagine feeling good again – no more suffering — no more pain…
NOW – It’s time to prove it for yourself — for free…
In your short free video presentation, you’ll discover more about this powerful process…
You’ll hear how, after 10 years of intensive research, toil, sweat and tears, I finally cracked the code…
And perfected this powerful yet simple 3-Step EFT process so YOU can rapidly heal the hidden cause of your suffering…
You’ll watch me demonstrate the 8 simple acupressure points…
Then you’ll follow along to Step 1 — Tap the Problem – an easy 2-minute tap-along video. You simply repeat the words on screen…
And ZAP the hidden emotional cause of your suffering…
It really is as easy as ABC…
So please, my friend, don’t miss this chance to finally find the relief you’re hoping for…
And then be sure to grab your Free Report to learn even more…
“How to Heal Yourself By Aligning The 3 Levels of Your Mind”…
I’ll be there to greet you…

To cure extreme pain and weakness in the leg from sciatica, you should first relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve. Exercise to relieve pain and weakness with help from a chiropractor in this free video on spinal disc herniation and sciatica.

Expert: Dr. Ray Wisniewski
Bio: Dr. Ray Wisniewski has more than 25 years of chiropractic experience.
Filmmaker: Jonathan Joseph

Series Description: Spinal disc herniation and sciatica can cause a lot of pain and weakness. Learn to treat, relieve and prevent pain with help from a chiropractor in this free video series on spinal disc herniation and sciatica.
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