He Had Knee Pain For Weeks!

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Top 7 Reasons For Pain Behind The Knee

Pain in the back of the knee can come on for sooo many different reasons. Doctor’s first thoughts will usually be on checking you for a blood clot in your leg. And it is a good idea to figure out if you’ve got a blood clot because, although rare, they can be deadly.

After that, a physician’s knowledge is usually limited on what else it could be. That’s why we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of the most common reasons for pain behind the knee.

Here are playlists with more specific help for many of the knee problems we talked about:
👉“Knee Arthritis Pain Help” https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJVIPiFvv1maa9YF-WmKLF7oI4VoczH8i
👉”Baker’s Cyst Knee Pain Help” https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJVIPiFvv1mauCV7_gEEntBWMvGcQ5OyE
👉“Knee Brace Help” https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJVIPiFvv1mYfCVO5HJsDWdxVDUc3Jbf2
👉 “Sciatica Pain Exercises & Stretches” https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJVIPiFvv1maZPQPPtirn4oxj8oCPuIMR
👉 “Knee Pain ACL Injury Help” https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJVIPiFvv1mY5egV7qX8PHh-kEeL6y1wP
👉”Knee Meniscus Help” https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJVIPiFvv1mZ9Vh4eRH3UlmMeqOUtB-6a

🦵⚡️ If you’re looking for a more comprehensive exercise program for knee problems, then you’ve got to learn more about our 28 Day Knee Health & Wellness Boost Program. It’s a 100% online and on-demand program for improving knee health. It’s packed with exercises, advice and coaching from Dr. David.
You can learn more about it here:

00:00 Top 7 Reasons For Pain Behind The Knee
00:50 Reason 1 – Knee Arthritis
02:00 Reason 2 – Baker’s Cyst
03:10 Reason 3 – Muscle Strain
04:28 Reason 4 – Sciatica
05:29 Reason 5 – Ligament problem
06:42 Reason 6 – Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
08:15 Reason 7 – Meniscus
09:38 Root problems

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Dr. David’s Shoes With Insoles – Olukai Brand

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Any information available at this channel is intended for general guidance only and must never be considered a substitute for advice provided by a physician, medical provider or physical therapist. El Paso Manual Physical Therapy will not be liable for any injuries that happened due to performing any exercises or advice on this channel.
Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care professional with questions about your medical condition or to diagnose any conditions.


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In this video Dr O’Donovan explains how to treat and prevent BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS (BV).

BV happens because of a change in the normal balance of vaginal bacteria and a drop in the lactobacillus bacteria inside the vagina which is responsible for keeping the vagina slightly acidic so bad bacteria don’t grow as well.

Now the good news is that BV usually doesn’t cause any other health problems. But it can lead to issues, especially when you’re pregnant or trying to get pregnant so in this video we’ll cover treatment and prevention.


• A burning feeling when you pee
• A fishy smell that gets stronger after sex
• Itching
• Thin white, gray, or green discharge.


Antibiotics like (metronidazole or clindamycin) are normally given to treat BV. This could be a tablet you take by mouth or a cream or gel you put into your vagina.

You’ll need to take most treatments for 5 to 7 days and you should finish all your medicine, even if the symptoms go away. This is because if you stop early, the infection could come back.

It’s common for bacterial vaginosis to come back, usually within a few months and if it does come back, you’ll usually be given more antibiotics to treat it.

If you get it more than 4 times a year then you may be given an antibiotic gel that you put in your vagina. You may need to use this for a few months to help stop bacterial vaginosis coming back.


• Clean sex toys after every use.
• Don’t douche – Douching upsets the natural balance of bacteria and so can scented soaps, bubble baths, and vaginal deodorants.
• Get tested for sexually transmitted diseases, and make sure your sex partners are tested.
• Try to use protection with every sexual partner – for example if your partner is male ask them to use a condom.
• Use only water or mild soap to wash your genitals.
• Finally, wipe from front to back after you use the bathroom.


NHS website: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/bacterial-vaginosis/

#doctor #bv #bacterialvaginosis #medical #health #sexualhealth
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The video is intended as an educational resource only. The information within this video or on this channel isn’t designed to replace professional input, so if you have any medical issues please consult a medical provider. No professional relationship is being created by watching this video. Dr. O’Donovan cannot give any individual medical advice. All information should be verified for accuracy by the individual user. Dr O’Donovan accepts no responsibility for individual interpretation of data, although it is always accurate to the best of his knowledge at the time of the video being published. This is an EDUCATIONAL video. Images are used in accordance with fair use guidelines.

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Content provided via YouTube is for general information purposes ONLY. Information videos are not produced to provide individualised medical advice. Medical education videos on Doctor O’Donovan are not a substitute for professional professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. NEVER ignore professional medical advice because of something you have heard here. ALWAYS consult your doctor regarding any concerns about your condition or treatment.
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Dr Zoe and Dr Sara offer medical advice to viewers.
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What are the 9 Major Health Problems seen in Senior Dogs?

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What are the 9 Major Health Problems seen in Senior Dogs?

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Vestibular disease in dogs refers to any disturbance in a dog’s vestibular system. Dr. Senneca from Southeast Veterinary Neurology of Jupiter reviews the causes, signs, diagnosis, and treatment options of vestibular disease in dogs.

🔔 Subscribe for more veterinary neurology content!
— https://www.youtube.com/SEVNeurology

📚 Dog Vertigo: Signs and Can it be Treated – Blog
— https://sevneurology.com/blog/dog-vertigo/

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#DogVertigo #VeterinaryNeurology #VestibularDisease

00:00 Introduction
00:34 Causes
01:44 Clinical Signs
02:29 Diagnosis
03:31 Treatment
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Influenza (Flu)

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Visit https://bit.ly/39tepxd to license this video for patient education, content marketing, broadcast or other purposes. Ref number: ANH13085

Influenza, or the flu, is a contagious viral infection that attacks your nose, throat, and lungs. It can cause fever, chills, runny nose, sore throat, cough, muscle aches, and fatigue. The flu virus is extremely small and only visible through electron microscopes. Inside the virus, genetic material contains the information to make more copies of the same virus. A protein shell provides a hard, protective enclosure for the genetic material as the virus travels between the people or animals it infects. An outer envelope allows the virus to infect cells by merging with the cell’s outer membrane. Projecting from the envelope are spikes of protein molecules. The flu virus uses its H spikes like a key to get inside your cells. N spikes allow copies of the virus to break away from your infected cells to infect more cells. There are 17 known types of H spikes and nine types of N spikes that scientists use to name different flu viruses, such as the virus H5N1. You get the flu by touching an object that has the flu virus on it or through exposure to body fluids from people or animals infected with the virus. When an infected person talks, coughs, or sneezes, droplets carrying the influenza virus may land in your mouth or nose and then move into your lungs. Once inside your body, the influenza virus comes into contact with cells in your nose, throat, or lungs. The H spike on the virus inserts into a receptor molecule on your healthy cell membrane, like a key in a lock. This action allows the virus to get inside your cell. Next, the virus travels inside a sack made from your cell membrane to your cell’s nucleus. Then the viral envelope and cell membrane sack combine, allowing the viral genetic material to leave the sack and enter the nucleus. The viral genetic material hijacks the energy and materials in your cell’s nucleus to make thousands of copies of itself. Some of the genetic material moves out of the nucleus, then attaches to ribosomes, which are the protein building parts of your cell. Ribosomes use information from the genetic material to make other viral proteins, such as the H and N spikes. A packaging structure in your cell, called the Golgi apparatus, carries the H and N spikes in vesicles which merge with your cell’s membrane. All the parts needed to create a new virus gather just beneath your cell’s membrane. Then a new virus begins to bud off from the cell’s membrane. During this process, the newly created virus gets stuck on your cell’s membrane when a viral H spike locks onto membrane receptors. However, the virus has a way to get around this problem. The viral N spike frees the virus by cutting it away from the receptor. New influenza viruses are now free to infect more of your cells and cause you to develop the flu. If you have the flu, your doctor may prescribe Oseltamivir, which you would take orally, or Zanamivir, which you would take using an inhaler, to help speed your recovery or reduce your risk for complications. These anti-viral drugs stop the influenza virus by blocking the viral N spike from freeing the virus. This causes the new viruses to stick to the surface of your cell, so they cannot escape and infect more of your cells. The best way to protect yourself from the flu is to get the flu vaccine every year. You may receive the vaccine as a shot, which contains dead versions of several types of the virus, or you may receive it as a nasal spray, which contains several types of live, but very weak, forms of the virus. The vaccine exposes your body to several types of the influenza virus that are too weak to cause infection but just strong enough to stimulate an immune response. Within two weeks, cells in your immune system make markers called antibodies, which are specific for only the types of flu you were exposed to. The antibodies attach to each flu virus and prevent it from attaching to your cells. Antibodies are also able to attach to more than one flu virus, which causes viruses to clump together. Your immune system responds to signals from the antibodies by engulfing and destroying the clumps of viruses. Later, if you are exposed to these types of flu again, your body recognizes and destroys them, so you will not develop the flu from these same viruses. For continued protection against new flu viruses, you will need to get a flu vaccine every year.

#Influenza #Flu #FluVirus
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Every flu season is unique. The 2019-2020 outbreak features more cases of influenza B, the viral strain that usually emerges later in the season.

“We’re right now in the thick of the flu season. Here at Harborview, we’re seeing anywhere from 5-10 cases of influenza in our clinics and our emergency room pretty much every day,” says Dr. John Lynch, the hospital’s medical director of infection control.

The most effective prevention method is the flu shot – and it’s not too late to get one. Beyond that, wash your hands, stay home if you don’t feel well, and if you or another family member plans to seek treatment at a clinic, call in advance so they can prepare. Wear a mask, too, if they have those available in the waiting room to keep from spreading the virus.
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Personal Injury Claim? 5 Questions You Will Need To Answer

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Personal Injury Claim? 5 Questions You Will Need To Answer

If you are thinking about bringing a personal injury claim you will need to be clear on these 5 issues.

Please note: in contentious business a Solicitor may not calculate fees or other charges as a percentage or proportion of any award of settlement.


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This video is part of a new series of basic clinical skills videos.

It demonstrates how to move a move a patient with a suspected spinal injury onto a spinal board, and immobilise the c-spine with a stiff neck collar and blocks.
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What is the difference between Influenza A and B? (Flu)

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► Find the full video here: https://youtu.be/NI32dJ1_hq4
► WATCH the complete course on http://lectur.io/influenzayt

► THE PROF: Rhonda Lawes is a Certified Nurse Educator (CNE) and Assistant Professor at the University of Oklahoma. She worked as a nurse manager at the Saint Francis Hospital and the Broken Arrow Medical Center. She has completed her Ph.D. in Educational Psychology at Oklahoma State University.

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What is influenza virus causing? Influenza is H1N1 infections and they are based on the type and way it manifests. The symptoms will remain same but it will keep rotating from time immemorial and it gets assorted with all genetic arrangements and sometimes we call it as H1N1 or H1N5. These are the numerological names which are given from time immemorial. Flu will be caused whenever the strain will be more stronger and during flu season every year throughout the world. There is an influenza surveillance and regularly we have some specific influenza virus affecting endemically or sometimes it can be coming as a seasonal pandemic. To know the symptoms and treatment in detail, watch the video.
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► 2012 Mercedes B-Class CRASH TEST

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The B-Class Coupe is fitted as an option with Mercedes Benz’s ‘PRE-SAFE’® system which primes the restraint and protection systems in readiness for a collision. In Euro NCAP’s frontal and side barrier impacts, the PRE-SAFE® System was not activated. In the frontal impact, the B Class scored maximum points for its protection of the driver with all body areas being well protected. For the passenger, good protection was provided in all body areas except for the lower legs, protection of which was rated as adequate. Mercedes-Benz showed that good protection would also be provided to the knees and femurs of occupants of different sizes and to those sat in different positions. In the side barrier test, the B Class scored maximum points, all body areas being well protected. In the more severe side pole test, protection of the chest was adequate and that of all other body areas was good. The front seat and head restraint provided good protection against whiplash injuries in the event of a rear end collision.
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A Rally car runs into a crowd…hard!

Copyright Disclaimer: I do not own this video
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Hepatitis B क्या है और कैसे फैलता है? Hepatitis B Symptoms & Treatment | Hepatitis B Vaccine Hindi

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Hepatitis B क्या है और कैसे फैलता है? Hepatitis B Symptoms & Treatment | Hepatitis B Vaccine Hindi

Hepatitis B क्या है और कैसे फैलता है? Hepatitis B Symptoms & Treatment | Hepatitis B Vaccine Hindi

Hepatitis B is a serious liver infection caused by Hepatitis B virus that can be easily prevented by vaccine. Having chronic Hepatitis B increases the risk of developing liver failure or sometimes liver cirrhosis. In this video Dr. Bhavik Shah a gastroenterologist, Liver specialist, Endoscopist is talking in detail about the Hepatitis B infection, how it is transmitted, diagnosed, possible treatment, and its prevention. So make sure you watch this video till the end and talk to your health care provider or seek medical attention if you don’t feel well or if you are uncertain about whether or not you have been infected with hepatitis B virus.

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Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Genotyping https://redcliffelabs.com/hepatitis-b-virus-hbv-genotyping
Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Drug Resistance https://redcliffelabs.com/hepatitis-b-virus-hbv-drug-resistance
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Video content for Better Understanding

– Discussion regarding Hepatitis B

– Liver is a vital organ in your body

– Liver plays an important functions in your body like
-: Digestion
-: Absorption of protein

– Hepatitis B causes malfunctioning of liver

– Hepatitis B increases gradually leading to liver damage and cancer

– Approximately 40 crore people in India are infected with Hepatitis B virus

– About 95% of people with Hepatitis B are asymptomatic

– Hepatitis B requires medical diagnosis and proper treatment

– Transmission of Hepatitis B virus
-: Sexual contact
-: Sharing of needles
-: Blood transfusion
-: Mother to child

– Hepatitis B can be diagnosed with a blood test

– Treatment is planned accordingly depending upon the severity of liver damage

– Specific treatment involves medications that can control the spread of hepatitis B infection

– Testing and vaccination for Hepatitis B is very important for every individual
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Top 10 Horrific Sports Injuries

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Sometimes athletes push their bodies a little too far. Join http://www.WatchMojo.com as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Horrific Sports Injuries. Subscribe►►http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=watchmojo Facebook►►http://www.Facebook.com/WatchMojo. Twitter►►http://www.Twitter.com/WatchMojo Suggestion Tool►►http://www.WatchMojo.com/suggest Channel Page►►http://www.youtube.com/watchmojo

For this list, we’re looking at the most horrific and cringe worthy injuries suffered by athletes.

Special thanks to our users mrprez180, Tony Brown, alex18marshall, Gamerchick21, Ryan Miller, nrm7141, Npngreen and cmr_reed for submitting the idea on our Interactive Suggestion Tool at http://www.WatchMojo.com/suggest

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Deadliest Sports Injuries ☠️ #shorts

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I will start streaming a lot soon especially over Christmas break


#shorts #mlb #nba #nfl #baseball #basketball #football #sports #fyp #trending #viral #blowup #memes
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#baseball #mlb #mlbb