Archive for May, 2024

Sales Cure All? No Profit (Margin) Cures All…

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Explore the impact of AI on profit margins and discover strategies for leveraging AI to drive sustainable business growth. This video provides in-depth insights into:

Key insights you’ll gain:
1. How AI enhances business efficiency and productivity.
2. The difference between net and gross profit margins with AI.
3. Strategies to maintain profit margins against AI-induced price changes.
4. Predictions on AI’s long-term impact on business and employment.

Stay ahead in the AI revolution by joining our email newsletter for exclusive insights and strategies. Subscribe now to embrace the future of business automation.

Learn more about how Growbo can optimize your marketing and operations through AI. Sign up for a free demo of the UI or enjoy your first month for just at

#AI #BusinessAutomation #ProfitMargin #entrepreneurship

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The 4 Steps To A Hangover Cure

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Don’t want a hangover, but love the weekend a bit too much? You’ve heard all the myths and tried all the pills – but what legitimate ways can you prevent and cure your hangover? Follow these scientifically analysed steps and you’ll wake up on your way to being a normal, functioning human again!

Written and created by Mitchell Moffit (twitter @mitchellmoffit) and Gregory Brown (twitter @whalewatchmeplz).


Music by Mitchell Moffit

Art by Gregory and Mitchell

Some Sources—




Fruits, Fruit Juices, Carbs:

Acetaminophen (Tylenol):
Video Rating: / 5

All you need to know about Hepatitis B | FAQs | Apollo Hospitals

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Dr. Suneetha Narreddy, the Infectious Diseases Specialist in Hyderabad at Apollo Health, brings you the frequently asked questions related to hepatitis B.

Hepatitis B is a liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus. Here are the common questions people search about the disease, medicine, causes, difference between hepatitis A & B, and symptoms for saving lives.

Watch the answers to FAQs to find the right treatment.
#HepatitisB #HepatitisBSymptoms #HepatitisBCauses #HepatitisBTreatment
—–Contents of this Video—-

00:00 to 00:25 – Introduction

00:26 to 01:16 – How common is viral hepatitis?

01:17 to 02:49 – What is the difference between hepatitis A,B and C virus?

02:50 to 03:43 – Does hepatitis B vaccine provide protection against hepatitis A viral infection?

03:44 to 04:32 – Can a person has hepatitis B spread the virus not knowing that they have hepatitis B?

04:33 to 05:39 – What if a pregnant woman develops hepatitis B virus infection or has hepatitis B virus infection?

05:40 to 06:05 – Are pregnant woman tested for hepatitis B virus infection?

06:06 to 06:36 – When should a person be vaccinated for hepatitis B?

06:37 to 07:31 – Can hepatitis B disease be prevented?

07:32 to 08:02 – Is hepatitis B disease contagious?

Disclaimer – The information in this video was accurate as of 5/05/2022. For information purposes only. Consult your local medical authority for advice.”
β—‹ The video does not constitute medical advice, medical consultation or telemedicine services and there is no doctor-patient relationship between the physician in the video and any viewer or listener of the video.
β—‹ No patient should carry out any self-medication or self-treatment based on the video and should consult a doctor with respect to any medical queries.
β—‹ The information in the video is being provided only as a public lecture to improve public health awareness, for bona fide scientific, educational and social purposes.
Apollo Hospitals is the leading multi-specialty hospitals group in India. It is also present in several countries in the Asia-pacific region. Over 8000 doctors provide best in class treatment at the groups 70+ hospitals in 27 cities.
It specializes in – Cardiology, Orthopaedics, Spine, Neurology & Neurosurgery, Gastroenterology, Gynaecology, Oncology, Transplants, ICU, Emergency, Preventive Medicine, Robotics, Bariatric Surgery, Nephrology & Urology and Colorectal Surgery.

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Video Rating: / 5